The Ox



Oxen are seen as dependable and consistent people. They are often strong, in their health, attitude, and their beliefs. They tend to be more conservative, prefering traditional beliefs. Goals set out by oxen, are ones they usually end up achieving, and they must plan thoroughly before setting these goals. One disadvantage with oxen are their poor communication skills, which may lead to a lack of relationships.

Health & Careers

Oxen are quite strong and sturdy. They can live long lives, with few illnesses. They tend to be very stubborn, unable to make changes in their diets, or getting more sleep when their body needs it. They are able to handle stress and tension fairly well.

Oxen are hard working people, who tend to follow tasks to completion. They have a responsible attitude towards work, and are admired by other dedicated people. For these reasons, good careers for Oxs include:


Oxen are not good at communicating with other people, and tend to have fewer social interactions overall. They are introverted people with only a few friends whom they are very close with. Oxen prefer a long term reltionship, and both male and female oxen tend to be more masculine.

Other Information

Oxen are compatible with:

Oxen are not compatible with:

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