The Dog



Dogs are considered to be loyal, honest, and friendly. They will do anything for the person that is most important to them. Dogs however are not good at communication, and may find it difficult to convery their thoughts to others, this may lead others to think that dogs are stubborn. Dogs may have a slightly pessimistic view on society, thinking the world is evil when there are placed in an uncomfortable situation.

Health & Careers

For dogs to be healthy, they should try to be happy at all times. Keeping active with sports will help dogs fend off illnesses and injuries. Prioritizing rest and relaxation is also crucial for dogs, as they are prone to stress.

Dogs are best suited for careers involved in serving others, as their good nature will show through their work. They all well liked by their coworkers are always ready to help others with their work. They will give their all towards whatever task they are currently doing. For these reasons, good careers for dogs include:


Dogs will take their time in getting to know potential friends, but once this friendship is made, they will be loyal at all times. They always strive to not cause trouble for others, and would rather be the ones hurt, than hurt others. As with friendship, dogs take their time in falling in love. Again though, once in love, they are an immensely faithful partner. As with any relationship, a relationship with dogs will be filled with ups & downs.

Other Information

Dogs are compatible with:

Dogs are not compatible with:

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