The Goat



Goats are very peaseful and gentle people. They often exhibit traits of sympathy, stability, and kindheartedness, that make them liked by anyone they come in contact with. Though they may appear soft, they often have a strong internal resolve, and will hold onto their opinions strongly. Goats prefer to be in groups, but avoid being the center of attention.

Health & Careers

Goats are very calm and tranquill, leading to fewer health problems overall. They tend to eat fresh produce, and spend a lot of time outdoors among the fresh air and sunshine. Goats also keep to a steady schedule, and usually are able to sleep consistently.

Goats prefer to work in teams, and work best with Horses. They tend to not be very ambitious, and will try to avoid assuming a leadership role. For these reasons, good careers for goats include:


In general, goats are private people. Getting to know a goat will take a lot of time and effort, as goats are not known to share their personal lives. Those who befriend a goat will be rewarded with a friendship that is peaceful and furfilling.

Other Information

Goats are compatible with:

Goats are not compatible with:

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