The Horse



Horses are very lively and energetic. They love to be a part of a crowd, and are often seen in such, taking part in concerts, performances, meetings, and parties. They are often quite funny, and use their wit to attract a large number of friends. They may be a bit self-centered, but are not oblivious to the problems of others. Don't confuse the horses quick wit with intelligence, lack of the latter may lead to a lack of confidence for horses.

Health & Careers

Horses are very healthy, benefiting from their positive attitude towards life. Stress and pressure from work and school may make them weak, and thus horses should avoid staying late, or working overtime.

Horses are most attracted to jobs involving communication. They are people who enjoy being leaders involved with management and decision-making. On the flip side, they hate being bossed around by people. For these reasons, good careers for Horses include:


Horses are pleasant and easy-going people. They often have a good amount of humour, and are comfortable to get along with. They are also rather quick-witted, finishing the thoughs of others. These traits make horses people who gather a large amount of friends over the course of their lives.

Other Information

Horses are compatible with:

Horses are not compatible with:

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